Introducing - O.Children

I heard that the lead singer of O.Children, Tobi O'Kandi, has the biggest willy in London. Impressive, no? This was found out by an ex-colleague of mine who had conducted a "totally legit" survey among a selection of morally questionably bevies that he'd reportedly slept with.

I actually had the pleasure of meeting the man behind the myth a few months ago, and I can tell you that (without actually witnessing any kind of proof) he looks every bit the part. By this, I mean that he is black and is tall. Really really fucking scarily tall. He also has big feet. All these attributes combined, I would imagine, means that you have one rather large willy.

And what does this have to do with anything? Nothing really. I'm just gossiping to be honest. It's something I do on occasion. Believe it or not, O.Children actually have plenty more to offer than quite possibly having the biggest willy in London among their ranks. They have successfully taken the "fun-to-dance-to-but-kind-of-morbid mantle" from the Horrors, who have since moved on to the greener pastures of krautrock. These things happen. Ebbs and flows.

Check out O.Children's debut single below.

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