Introducing - Eddy Current Suppression Ring

Ok, so maybe this isn’t exactly the best example of "introducing" a band. Eddy Current Suppression Ring already have two albums out, so I’m pretty sure a lot of you music-blog-savvy-types will have already heard of this Aussie band that are named after a copper ring around a transformer which subdues Eddy Currents. The fact is, I’m just going to blog about them some more anyway.

They have been the perfect elixir for the recent gushes of impending winter. Just listening to ECSR’s sun-tinted garage rock brightens up the day. Their best attribute lies in their approach to their music, which is as honest as it is Australian. The straightforward melodies, the unabashedly Aussie accent hanging over the top, and the general relaxed and sun-drenched feel to the whole album.

If you take a fancy to the video below, pick up the UK release of their most recent album, which is the second best album called Primary Colours that I’ve ever heard.

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