I took a photo of a defiled toilet

I was terrified when I initially walked into this cubicle. The situation on the toilet seat really stressed me out. It's pretty fucking disgusting. I was on the verge of pirouetting the fuck out of there, but then I read the little ditty written on the back of the toilet seat, and, well, I felt vaguely emboldened. The second sentence is definitely not something I would condone, but masturbating over recently deceased hip hop legends is way less deviant then having a midget sex fetish or letting your dog lick your balls while you watch a chick get fucked by an octopus. It's all about moral relativism. That's all I'm saying. As to the bloodstains on the seat, that's just not on. If that's coming out of your orifice on nights out then you should probably be locked up in a cage for a while.